MarilynFL, about your food budgeting (post # 15085) - how are you doing?


Well-known member
I was SO inspired by that thread, but then somehow I kind of got whirled into my old (bad) habits and now I'm off the food budget train again.

Did you manage to stay on it?

If yes, how did you do it? smileys/bigsmile.gif

We're doing "middle-of-the-road". Much less eating out, but

because Lar is alone now, he wants to entertain friends he used to see at work. That means I panic and continue to overbuy/overcook too much.

Our budget continues to fluctuate between $400-$500 a month for food/eating out--still too much for 2 adults, considering one of us (moi) has an obesity problem. For example, we just ordered bulk order of fish from Alaska. It's the same price as local fish here and we like cod/halibut. But it meant we put out $240 in one day.

I'm trying to use quino and beans more often. And fresh salad, but those greens are running $4 a tub. I just found a pound of organic spinach for $6 so that will keep us in salads for about a week. Unless I saute it and then it will last a meal. (I'm still trying to figure out the Law Of Physics that applies to loss of spinach-osity.)

I've never tried the trick of taking, say $400, putting that in an envelope and using ONLY THAT money for food/restaurants. No credit cards, just cash so you know exactly how much you've spent/have left. I think it would be an interesting challenge and an exercise in restraint for me.

C, we use Vital Choice, but I only get it in bulk packages, not the insanely expensive single ones.

When they have them, the halibut runs around $20 a pound. The cod just came in at $12 a pound. My local fish monger has (formerly frozen) cod at $15 and halibut at $19. This price includes the shipping.

The pieces are ends and mismatched sizes and come in 1# packages, with a minimum order of 4 lbs, but it defrosts with no degradation. We bake a pound at a time and it's so delicate I can eat the remainder cold for breakfast. Sometimes they offer deals: last time we ordered 10 lbs and got a large bottle of organic olive oil and a bottle of organic balsamic vinegar for free. Those two alone would cost me at least $20.

When the bulk packages are sold out at VC, we buy local grouper. But it's easier on me with my long daily commute to have the food at the house.

I like "middle-of-the-road", Marilyn.

Like you, I can't do extremes.
Oh wait, we're not talking chocolate, are we? *LOL*

I think your idea of putting money in an envelope would interesting thing to try. We're only two people in this household too, and we use way too much money on food. Actually, we use more money on food than on our two cars. Combined. With gas and all. (Gee, I have never put it down like that in writing. Now that I read it, it looks scary. But in a strange way, I'm glad to see that I'm litterally putting more money into me and DH than into our cars. Am I the official site nut case now? *LOL*)

I try to incorporate more beans and legumes in my cooking too. As for salads, I have more or less given up. I'm not a salad person, I'm a soup person. I eat tons of vegetable soup, and that will have to do. Vegetable-wise, that is.
