Onion jam


2 large (3.5" diam) onions, NOT SWEET, not VIDALIA, sliced
2 TBL olive oil
1/4 C light brown sugar
1/4 C "Monari Federzoni" aged balsamic vinegar Modena (I'm putting all that in because some balsamic are thin and insipid. This one isn't.
fresh thyme
fresh rosemary

I cooked the onions in olive oil in a lined enamel pan. High heat for 15 minutes to soften, then lower heat for 45 minutes. Then add the vinegar and sugar and continue cooking another 30 minutes until it reduces down quite a bit. At that point, I tasted it and added just a tiny drizzle of agave syrup for a touch more sweetness. Oh, I also added a TBL of fresh thyme leaves and 4" branch of rosemary. And some kosher salt and black pepper.

Made 2 dense cups, packed into two 1-C canning jars.

Took about 1.5 hours from start to finish
Yum! I love onion jam. Will be trying this soon! This is the one I make:

Beekman 1802 Blaak Onion Jam

3 cups of hand-chopped onions (chunky)
1 cup of balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup real maple syrup
1 tablespoon of butter
salt and pepper to taste

Caramelize onions in butter until tender and golden brown. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add balsamic vinegar and cook about an hour (or until vinegar thickens.) Add syrup and cook about another hour until mixture thickens. Place in a jar with a sealable lid and process in a hot water bath for ten minutes to preserve for up to a year. Once opened (or if not processed), the mixture needs refrigeration.

As an aside, if anyone has a Grocery Outlet store near you, this was a great find. Really delicious, and it’s thick like a syrup. Marked down to $7 and change, from $22 a bottle. These are getting gifted for the holidays.

Just be aware this isn't something you can walk away near the end. Liquids are evaporating--sugars are concentrating--and if you are stupid and walk away and start doing something totally useless and THEN walk back to the stove you may find the entire bottom of the pot contains nothing but crystallized oniony sugar. And I don't mean in a good way.

First batch was perfection. Then I got cocky [see comments above].
Today's batch (tomato galette in ATK's The Savory Baker) was watched like a time-traveler attempting to prevent the LIndbergh baby kidnapping.
Thank you! I have been wanting to make onion jam. Of course, none of my appliances work since TS Ian, so it will have to wait.
This thread shows photos of the first batch of onion jam, step by step—with times. Go down through comments until you see how I created the recipe. I think it’s the 6th entry…after Marg’s. (I’ll have to repair the recipe ingredient quantities.
