So glad to here you might come. Hope we get a few more.That's a 4-hour drive for me, but I'd do it. The furthest west I've driven since moving here is Nashville. Got to speak with MCM but we were unable to meet up. I've started a Master Gardener class and so Thursday mornings are out until November and Sept 10 is a required field trip (that's a Saturday), but other than those dates, I'm ridiculously free.
We had a big tree that was about to fall towards the house and just got it taken down and it took out a second tree when it came down in a different direction than what the tree guy planned. Hubby had a kid that cut trees for a neighbor cutting down some smaller trees earlier this year and a large branch snapped back and hit the kid in the head - he was ok but we made him stay and watched him for a couple of hours. Tree are nothing to mess with. But hubby is cheap as are his friends that he gets all these recommendations from on who to use - needless to say, none of them are insured. But also, hubby helps them to some degree - what he can with his health these days. And we have a tractor to help pull the tree and to help load the wood. Sometimes we have them haul off the wood but most of the time, they just help load and move it to the back of the property since we have 6 acres which drives me crazy. Pay them an extra hundred or so to haul it off - there is too much wood/limbs from the small stuff that hubby cuts down himself or that falls.I'm going to have to bow out this time. Several 100 foot trees in my yard are dying and snapping off heavy limbs--one almost took me out last week. I got away but then slipped and fell on the black walnut balls. They are the size of baseballs and my yard is like walking on a field of marbles.
So this week I get to spend $7,000 having 4 trees cut down and hauled away.
They don't call these trees "widow makers" for nothing.
(((((Marilyn))))I'm going to have to bow out this time. Several 100 foot trees in my yard are dying and snapping off heavy limbs--one almost took me out last week. I got away but then slipped and fell on the black walnut balls. They are the size of baseballs and my yard is like walking on a field of marbles.
So this week I get to spend $7,000 having 4 trees cut down and hauled away.
They don't call these trees "widow makers" for nothing.
This tree on the edge of the road/my property is one of the four set to go. They look skinny but weight between 7,000 and 12,000 pounds each. Thirty inches in diameter and grow 6 feet a year. Say bye-bye to $1,600 for this one.
Middle photo: See the Very Very Brave arborists who has already taken off the top of the tree? (I was actually queasy just taking this photo). Last Photo: All gone.
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As much as I would love to, I'm not traveling while my mom is in hospice. Hope those able to gather have a marvelous time!