Rest in Peace Paul Massell


Enthusiast Member
Hello everyone, I am not quite sure why my login is "mimitesttest" but no matter, many of you will remember me as Mimi in QC from waaaaay back. I have the sad duty to let you know that Paul Massell died on July 14 after a long battle with cancer. As I am sure you know, he provided hosting and ran this community for many years, going back to when it first left Epicurious.

I have found out that the family is in dire need. I was going to direct you to a post on another forum Paul founded and was very active in, the Red Fans, a fan forum for his alma mater the Saint John's Red Storm basketball team...there was a plea from his wife Kay to please donate to Red Fans to help them with medical bills and funeral expenses. Now...the post is gone, I can't find it. She must have changed her mind. But I believe if you click on the "Contribute" button at the very top of this menu, the money will get to them. Or you can donate at the Red Fans forum here... The Worst Post Ever. It looks much the same.

I honestly haven't spoken to Paul in years and I don't know anything about future plans for this site. I do know that Paul's sons have promised the Red Fans that they will carry on his legacy, so after the funeral, in a few days, I will try to reach out to the family and see if they can also continue to host this site.

He was my boss for 9 years, a very decent, kind man, highly intelligent, with an intense family ethic. A few years ago he emailed me to get together for coffee, but I was busy and didn't make the effort...I regret that now.

His daughter posted this beautiful message on Facebook yesterday:

My father passed away on Sunday morning, surrounded by his beloved wife, ten children, mother, and sisters. In his final moments, he heard our prayers, cries, and expressions of love.
For 18 months, he quietly battled a devastating diagnosis, enduring tremendous suffering. His doctors were astounded, ultimately describing his prolonged life as "miraculous." In his last week, he held on so each of his children could be present - a grace for which I will always be grateful.

When he first received his cancer diagnosis, he discovered this quote from Bishop Fulton Sheen, and it defined his attitude every moment afterward.
My dad’s love for theology and entrepreneurship shaped my life's path. Though I had much more to learn from him, I find solace in knowing he is at peace, free from suffering and experiencing the beatific vision.

We are deeply grateful for the outpouring of love from those who knew him. He was always quietly strong, and seeing how far-reaching his impact was has been a blessing.
I especially want to thank the / Red.Fans community for their incredible support. My dad cherished the community he built around St. John’s men’s basketball, and hearing your stories about him has been a great comfort.

“Think well. Speak well. Do well. These three things, through the mercy of God, will make a man go to Heaven.” - St. Camillus
That quote encapsulates Paul Massell.

Rest in peace, Paul.

Hello everyone, I am not quite sure why my login is "mimitesttest" but no matter, many of you will remember me as Mimi in QC from waaaaay back. I have the sad duty to let you know that Paul Massell died on July 14 after a long battle with cancer. As I am sure you know, he provided hosting and ran this community for many years, going back to when it first left Epicurious.

I have found out that the family is in dire need. I was going to direct you to a post on another forum Paul founded and was very active in, the Red Fans, a fan forum for his alma mater the Saint John's Red Storm basketball team...there was a plea from his wife Kay to please donate to Red Fans to help them with medical bills and funeral expenses. Now...the post is gone, I can't find it. She must have changed her mind. But I believe if you click on the "Contribute" button at the very top of this menu, the money will get to them. Or you can donate at the Red Fans forum here... The Worst Post Ever. It looks much the same.

I honestly haven't spoken to Paul in years and I don't know anything about future plans for this site. I do know that Paul's sons have promised the Red Fans that they will carry on his legacy, so after the funeral, in a few days, I will try to reach out to the family and see if they can also continue to host this site.

He was my boss for 9 years, a very decent, kind man, highly intelligent, with an intense family ethic. A few years ago he emailed me to get together for coffee, but I was busy and didn't make the effort...I regret that now.

His daughter posted this beautiful message on Facebook yesterday:

Rest in peace, Paul.

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Hi I’m the one that posted the message from his wife Kay. I don’t know what happened to the thread but any and all donations are much needed by their family still and much appreciated. All donations on the tab go directly to the family so that’s the easiest way to help Patrons of | Red.Fans (Powered by Donorbox)