King Arthur's Recipe of the Year: Chocolate Chip Cookies using tangzhong



The large size seems to be copied from the popular NYC Levain Bakery large chocolate chip cookies. However, Levain's has a LOT of walnuts in theirs and also the balls of dough are chilled completely before baking to end up with a soft center.
Yes, indeed an interesting method. Are Levain's chilled in dough form then also in ball form?

I can't wait for you to try them. Thank you for sharing.

(interesting mixer in the background)
I’ve been pretty faithful to Alton Brown’s the chewy, w dark brown sugar, but these will be fun to try.
Size really matters. I’ve only made the chewy once w the ice cream scoop size, but they are very decadent. For Christmas I make a cookie scoop size which is at most a two bite cookie. Because that’s how mom made them and it’s traditional in our family. However, the texture is less complex.
This is Stella Parks' (Bravetart recipe book and tester on Serious Eats) version of the NYC Levain cookie.
Regardless of what she says, I ALWAYS make these smaller because I find a the idea of a 6 OUNCE cookie to be obscene...although I must admit that when you add up ALL the smaller cookies I actually eat, it's probably 6 oz or more.

But it seems like less!

Also, I went to the pain and bother of toasting my sugar the first time and wasn't happy with the results. It could possibly be because I used that cheap sugar that declared beet sugar was actually beet cane sugar; ergo, the package could--without being sued--call it pure cane sugar.

I'm still wiffy on that. So my toasted sugar didn't end up as loose & sandy as hers. However, I used it to make simple syrup and it ended up a delightful caramelly taste, so not a loss.

I won't be testing the KA version for a while as I'm working on the library demonstration items. I've got to use a tabletop convection cooker and need to test all my recipes on that.