Trader Joe’s whole chicken >>what a mess!


So I’ve been craving Keller’s roasted chicken and have been on the lookout for a smallish-sized version.

They don’t exist. I went to 5 different stores (Publix, Ingles, Whole Foods, Harris Teeter, Fresh Market) and ALL were 5+ lbs. I live alone and am quite capable of making other dishes from remains, but I DIDN'T WANT TO.

I just wanted to roast a 3 lb chicken.

Finally accepted defeat and bought a 5.2 lb chicken at Trader Joes. This was my first ever purchase from their fresh meat selection.

This will be my last ever purchase from their fresh meat selection.

Good grief! I could have stuffed a small accent pillow with the number of feathers I had to remove first. Reaching fifteen, I quit counting, put my mental blinders on and just kept plucking.

Then there were the partial organ remains in the cavity to deal with, as if a bunch of blind-folded, 3-year olds had played Pluck It with a real carcass.

I finally roasted the damn thing, all desire completely gone.

Made a big batch of Boars Head Chicken Cransational salad and a chicken pot pie.

The neighbors ate well that day.
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Traders Joe's is so hit and miss. I haven't cared for the fish that we've tried from them. Haven't tried chicken or meat since we are happy with where we get these (Whole Foods and Costco).

I have switched over from Callebaut chocolate to Trader Joe's big bar of dark chocolate (brown label). Callebaut went from $9.99 lb. to $17.99 in the last year (at the bulk store that I typically bought it from). I wish TJ's sold big bars of white chocolate. I've never been to Aldis but I think I should check it out.
For smaller chickens look at organic and/or pasture raised. I heard air chilled makes a difference too, but don’t know if it’s true. I always found those to be smaller. If someone sells poultry at your farmers market, that’s another good source. Butcher shop if you can find one.

Otherwise try to find a fryer chicken or Cornish game. Someone online recommended this place, but I’ve never tried them. Heritage Poulet Rouge® Chicken.. Naked Chicken..

Since I’m on my own, I pretty much always have leftover chicken. I just seal it up in individual portions and freeze it. Because I know me and I don’t wanna eat chicken all week. I am not a leftovers person so if I stick it in the fridge with good intentions, those good intentions will die in the refrigerator.
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For smaller chickens look at organic and/or pasture raised. I heard air chilled makes a difference too, but don’t know if it’s true. I always found those to be smaller. If someone sells poultry at your farmers market, that’s another good source. Butcher shop if you can find one.

Otherwise try to find a fryer chicken or Cornish game. Someone online recommended this place, but I’ve never tried them. Natural & Heritage Meat & Poultry | Joyce Farms Proteins

Since I’m on my own, I pretty much always have leftover chicken. I just seal it up in individual portions and freeze it. Because I know me and I don’t wanna eat chicken all week. I am not a leftovers person so if I stick it in the fridge with good intentions, those good intentions will die in the refrigerator.
I use leftover chicken almost exclusively for CH pot pies. Pastry by others so no work at all. I tend to make the filling and freeze it rather than the chicken bits as I find it lasts better that way and gives me no excuse to get lazy. Good pies. Lots of fresh French tarragon and thyme.
This is a stab in the dark, but does it have anything to do with bird flu?

My guy who sells meat to restaurant chains and large cafeteria-style kitchens in the 11 western States tells me the entire poultry industry is on its ear right now, and not just the egg producers. He's heard a lot of negative things from his customers and has had to bark upline to get answers and make things right for his customers.

Lots of reasons. Everything from a shortage of processors (which might account for your "blindfolded three-year-olds" doing the plucking) to a shortage of chickens to process. So far, prices haven't jumped too high, but if the carnage continues... well, they just might.
Traders Joe's is so hit and miss. I haven't cared for the fish that we've tried from them. Haven't tried chicken or meat since we are happy with where we get these (Whole Foods and Costco).

I have switched over from Callebaut chocolate to Trader Joe's big bar of dark chocolate (brown label). Callebaut went from $9.99 lb. to $17.99 in the last year (at the bulk store that I typically bought it from). I wish TJ's sold big bars of white chocolate. I've never been to Aldis but I think I should check it out.
Deb, I too have switched to TJ chocolate bars, dark and 72%. I had gotten used to the taste of it in my Dyslexic sauce, but recently made a batch with the last pound of Callebaut I had.

There is definitely a difference in quality. And sadly, Callebaut is still my absolute favorite. I plan to check out prices when in London next month.