102 years and running: Cincinnati's Italian parish ravioli dinner

oh my goodness! loved this. loved the sauce making photo. funny how the older photos show

no gloves on the cook's hands. later photos, they all have on latex gloves.

I loved the photos....I think the glove wearing is a given when making meatballs...I do it at home

hate that gooey meat under my short nails! That is some project. We have an Italian group here in town and they put on a grand affair every year at our fair grounds. They invite everyone, not just Italians.

No. First I had to Google "strappado" and now I've looked through the whole slide show twice.

The closest thing I could find is the crucifix in pic #8. Are we looking at the same pictures?

OMG, I used to have such a good memory! Imagine googling "strappado" for the second time

in three months and not even recognizing the word? What is becoming of me?

Thanks for the fun reminder. Can you keep it handy for future lapses?

Good to see / hear you! dh and I still laugh about

walking down mulberry street and seeing some kids just yelling / DaNicko. (I think that was the restaurant). And their was another restaurant on the same street that we brought my Pop-Pop. He remembered it from when he worked in NY; gosh, not even sure the years, 40's? Anyway they sang your volare song!
