2 questions in regard to Creme Brulee


Well-known member
I am having a party for 8 people and my recipe won't feed the multitudes that will be arriving.

This is my gold standard:

3 cups heavy cream

1 cup sugar

1 vanilla bean,

6 large egg yolks

How do I increase my recipe?

The other question, is that the eggs I will be buying are extra large.

How will that impact the recipe?


Or even 1-1/2 recipes. (4-1/2 cups cream, 1-1/2 cups sugr, 9 yolks, etc.

I don't think larger egg yolks will hurt anything. Good luck!

Make a 1.5 recipe. The larger eggs shouldn' tmake that much difference but why not

just buy the eggs as called for since this is your "gold standard". You say you're buying them.
