2015 Dilbert Toys For Tots GBH


It's done and here at work on display in the cafeteria. Not as much trauma as usual, other than slitting my finger wide open because visual depth perception was non-existent after my retina surgery.

Oh, and getting up at 1:12 AM (that's the morning 1:12 A.M. that is really the middle of the night 1:12 A.M.) with the urgent need to shellac EVERY GINGERBREAD PIECE. This was after I had already shellacked the exposed candy elements and suddenly realized the HOUSE was an even bigger Humidity Target for Weather Gods With A Twisted Sense of Humor.

Oh, and while the fairy lights in the bay windows are run off batteries, the BIG batch of A/C lights around the roof line "were" meant to run off a small generator that WORKED PERFECTLY in the timed test trails at home. Of course, this being me, the generator battery seized when I plugged in the display lights at work, shutting them down after a 10-second display of sparkling happiness and then sounding a piercing alarm.

And at least FOUR people have come up to me already and asked: "Where are the snow sharks?"


Good God. Ants are attacking it. In our cafeteria! This has never happened before! Could someone...

...check to see if I've suddenly died and am already in hell?

Marilyn, take dishwasher liquid on a paper towel, and spread a very thin line right around the GBH

on the table. Ants won't cross this. Don't ask how I know this.

They are no longer on the outside. They crawled into the candy roof and creep out to mock me.

Oh. And maintenance told me the bug guy's usual day is Tuesday and he'll deal with it then.

I just want to cry.

Karen, I honestly have no idea. My eyes were weird, my depth perception was non-existant, my druggie

eye drops were making me nauseated, so there was a lot of stopping/starting to it. I would say a good 2 days to make the model and build the house around it because I used the Isomalt to make the dough and HATED how it looked, but went with it anyway (time was ticking away) and shellacked the beejesus out of it. One day to do finish work.

I think through a lot of the design elements in my (scary) head and so if they actually work out like they do in my head, I'm happy.


{I had no idea I'd be having the retina surgery this close. Doc just picked her first open surgery date and I went with it. That ran right into the opening date for our 5-week event here at work.}

Okay, I swabbed the base and house perimeter edges with Ultraconcentrated Dawn.

"It penetrates for a complete clean!"

Sounds like something you'd use before a colonoscopy.

I'm pretty sure Proctor and Gamble didn't include ants in their control test cases.

PS: Hey Ang, you can visit Mr. Gamble's fishing house on Spruce Creek.


Or the bug guy. I fought ants for years in my kitchen (ever notice how men do not seem to worried

about ants in the kitchen?) I finally decided I was tired sharing my kitchen with multi-legged creatures and called the bug service. First trip out here, he put something into the cracks between granite and walls, stove, dishwasher, etc. Then he went outside and found every ants nest on the property. I have zero ants. Second time, he never came into the house at all, just went around outside. We have a few spiders, or earwigs that I find on the floors, but NO ants! So happy!
I tried everything in my kitchen from bay leaves, to Dawn, to vinegar sprays and they worked for awhile, but then came back with a vengeance.

Ok. After I visit you! Headed to Naples today and dinner with Michael. Woohoo. Everglades trip with

Cap'n Steve tomorrow. Then back to Longboat to veg some more.
