2018 Dirty dozen and clean 15!

Have gone by the DirtyDozen/Clean15 list for many years when shopping for fruits

and veg. I don't go crazy buying all organic fruits and vegetables -- to me it's not necessary to do so nor to incur the higher cost of organic.

The Dirty Dozen/Clean15 list does change occasionally so it's worth checking back to it from time to time.

Another item I try my best to buy organic now is coffee beans. It's been said the buzz one gets from

coffee is often due to pesticides as, sadly, coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed crops. Since I switched to organic beans I no longer get the agitated buzzy feeling I used to get before finishing even one cup of coffee.

I always follow this list, I even have the app on my phone.

It’s one of the reasons that drove me to plant strawberries in my garden, because the organic ones are so expensive.
