5 Hour Duck...

funny duck story.... when I lived in a bottom-floor apartment...

Being the good *new* wife that I was, I decided to make hubby's favorite oriental duck. The recipe I got called for making it the "traditional" way - hang it for 12 hours to dry out the skin before cooking it. Well, the only place I could find to hang it was from the chandelier over the dining table. So, I put a big pot under it (it released a lot of liquid). Well, this was right in front of the big window facing the courtyard. I can't tell you how many people walking by had to stop and do a double-take! I don't know what they thought, but being Santa Monica, you can be assured they didn't see this sight very often *g*

Oh, and the duck was fabulous, although what a mess it makes in the oven!

I don't think they've seen that site again either! btw no oven mess with this...

I put layers of tinfoil on the cookie sheet...clean up was a breeze.

: ) !! I was waiting for someone to comment....Sorry Sandy! btw, still have to get used to the

name change! Hope all is well in Fla.

Thank you barb! All's well in Florida

and my blood pressure has improved significantly after seeing my new doc this am! Perhaps I've found the fountain of youthful duck down here - LOL
