5 minute bread help needed please.


Well-known member
I've now made 4 small loaves of bread baking 2 loaves at a time. I've followed the instructions except that I put the loaves on a piece of parchment paper placed on the back of a cookie sheet to use instead of a pizza paddle. After a half hour of baking I find the bottom of the loaves are not baked enough so I place the loaves back into the oven upside down and bake for up to 10 minutes more.

Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions for me?

I watched the Baking with Julia episode last weekend with Jane Brody and breads, and she took her

loaves out of the pans when they were almost done, and then put the loaves, without pans, right on the oven rack to bake for about 10 more minutes for a crispier, browner crust. I will try that next time I bake bread.

Sylvia, I use a heavy enameled dutch oven for mine. Works perfectly.

It's preheated before the dough goes in. Do you have a probe thermometer? I found that the inside needs to register 190-200 degrees to be done...and it doesn't reach that until the very end of the baking time.

Also the aroma changes at that temperature.

You could use the baking sheet like a pizza paddle, dust it with cornmeal and slide the loaves

directly on the hot stone. Maybe the parchment kept the base of the bread from getting hot enough.

Is it possible your stone wasn't hot enough yet?

Sylvia, I suspect the stone not being hot enough. I use tiles, and put them on the rack

to heat up with the oven. I try to let them sit for at least 10 minutes after the oven beeps that it is up to temperature.

My pizza stone is quite thick. Today I let the stone heat up for half an hour at 450 F. The dough is

still cold from the fridge. I'll leave it out longer next time.
