8 ways to pair tea with your meal

Thanks. I like Marcus Samuelsson. Those chocolate-chip orange muffins look good too!

'Never thought about specific pairing for tea, but it makes sense... thanks for the link, Eva (in her mountaintop cabin this weekend?!).

I like Marcus too. This weekend was spent at home - it's been

pouring rain here lately and it's been quite miserable. We were planning on going to a great cafe/art gallery on Sunday, BUT my youngest lab had an epileptic seizure Sunday morning, so insted we had to stay at home and clean the bed (he vomited and peed all over my bed. Thank goodness we have mattress covers of great quality so the mattresses were saved. Everything else had to go in the washer - even the pillows). Poor dog, it's hoorible when it happens, but fortunately he looked fine a coiple of hours later so we took him for a walk in the forrest behind our house. Nature heals, that's my motto! smileys/smile.gif
