A belated thank you to everyone who answered my post for appetizer recipes


Well-known member
the party was last night and unfortunately I was sick all week with migraines - but managed to work and go to the party for a little while.

Thanks so much for the wonderful ideas and I'm saving them for new years!

for the party I found those little french crackers that look like toasts, and put a dab of marscapone on them and a piece of smoked salmon (found the perfect canape cutter the right size so each piece of salmon looked like a little flower). Whole Foods was out of dill - imagine that - so I used a tiny sprig of chervil and a tiny sliver of a slice of meyer lemon (using the ceramic mandolin - easy!) and they were snapped up in a second. And no one knew I was under the weather or under budget prior to the party, which is a great thing!

Really fun party, I'm trying to obtain the recipe of the zucchini frittata baked in madelaine molds that one of the parents of the guests brought, they were amazing! fingers crossed I can get it, some of these Italian mamas guard their recipes like they guard their sons! LOL


too bad about the headache. I used to get migraines as a teenager, so bad, that I had figured out how to do myself in. Since then, only about 10 of the big ones, so I'm still around.

Your message had some really good ideas. For hors d'oeuvre, using madeleine molds for egg mixtures. How brilliant! If you don't get the recipe, I'm sure you can just figure some good mixes out. This is an underutilized pan in my cupboard and I need to get creative about it and do something for Christmas dinner hors d'oeuvre.

And slicing lemons (I finally saw Meyer lemons in Canada last week for the first time) on a mandolin. Another underutilized tool. Why do these ideas escape us? Glad you shared them.

I love the idea of mini fritatta in madeleine molds!!! (but aren't they kinda shallow?)>>>

Thanks for sharing the idea - I think I'm going to try it!

I'll be curious to know the results Sandi. I'm thinking...has to be a bit dry to

hang together while being picked up by fingers. Yet, it has to have enough moisture to take the shape of the mold and be tasty. I would think that the zucchini has to be very finely grated.

It sure is an opportunity to use lots of exciting herbs in such a small bite. And I wouldn't want it to taste like a breakfast frittata.

I'm sure you're going to find the magic combination.

Obviously, I'm still mulling.....
