A discovery making 2nd batch of PioneerWoman Cowboy Nachos


Just made these again tonight for dinner. Stopped and picked up 1/2 lb of pulled pork (THANKS LISA!) but only used 5 oz.

The first batch this weekend was wonderful...two layers of crispy chips with meat, bean, & cheese and on the top zippy limey jalapeno-y tomatoes onions and cilantro. All layered on my pizza stone.

But this time I actually read the directions carefully and added the pico de gallo on both layers.

Sadly, the heat leeched the moisture from the tomatoes and made the chips soggy and a bit mushy. Still has a great taste, but I loved that crispiness of the first batch.

So...a bit of advice: if you prefer crispy chips, leave out the pico completely until it's done broiling, put some on top and serve the rest on the side to add to the bottom layer chips.

