to make authentic-tasting oatmeal Hobnobs.
I had been looking in my immedate area since we have so many British and Canadian visitors, but with no luck. Misplaced_in_AZ saw my post, located them at World Market and mailed me a few bottles. They just arrived and I am thrilled. The taste really is unique...very thick with butterscotch overtones. Misplaced and I are kindred spirits when it comes to Hobnobs.
In addition, I also received kind offers of assistance from barb_b, Lana_in_Fl, Beth, as well as Pat_in_NoCAL to locate the Golden Syrup. Gay_R supplied a substitute recipe which I plan to test now that I have a true control for comparison.
I am most grateful for the warmth and generosity of this site. It truly is a family.
After working in a spreadsheet with Hobnob data, I did a cursory baking test last night using the Real Stuff. I am darned pleased with the first attempt. Not quite as crunchy as real Hobnobs and there a bit too much rising agent taste, but for a cookie that is 60% rolled oats and whole wheat...I'm happy.
Will keep you posted with future test results.
Again, many thanks to each of you!
PS: I used joanie's crunchie recipe method of melting the butter and syrup together and then adding the baking soda...which causes it to foam up. Hers is a British recipe and so are the Hobnobs, so that's why I did it. But...can anyone tell me the purpose of this...foaming it rather than adding the powder to the dry ingredients? Am I expending the "rising-ness" of the agent by adding it to a hot liquid before the baking even takes place? Is it just for color? I actually don't want the cookie to rise...the original is a flat as my chest in 1963, so I don't need it for that. However, the ingredient list from the package lists both Sodium Bicarbonate and Ammonium Bicarbonate. It also uses Palm oil, while I just used butter. Would that change affect the crunchiness?
I had been looking in my immedate area since we have so many British and Canadian visitors, but with no luck. Misplaced_in_AZ saw my post, located them at World Market and mailed me a few bottles. They just arrived and I am thrilled. The taste really is unique...very thick with butterscotch overtones. Misplaced and I are kindred spirits when it comes to Hobnobs.
In addition, I also received kind offers of assistance from barb_b, Lana_in_Fl, Beth, as well as Pat_in_NoCAL to locate the Golden Syrup. Gay_R supplied a substitute recipe which I plan to test now that I have a true control for comparison.
I am most grateful for the warmth and generosity of this site. It truly is a family.
After working in a spreadsheet with Hobnob data, I did a cursory baking test last night using the Real Stuff. I am darned pleased with the first attempt. Not quite as crunchy as real Hobnobs and there a bit too much rising agent taste, but for a cookie that is 60% rolled oats and whole wheat...I'm happy.
Will keep you posted with future test results.
Again, many thanks to each of you!
PS: I used joanie's crunchie recipe method of melting the butter and syrup together and then adding the baking soda...which causes it to foam up. Hers is a British recipe and so are the Hobnobs, so that's why I did it. But...can anyone tell me the purpose of this...foaming it rather than adding the powder to the dry ingredients? Am I expending the "rising-ness" of the agent by adding it to a hot liquid before the baking even takes place? Is it just for color? I actually don't want the cookie to rise...the original is a flat as my chest in 1963, so I don't need it for that. However, the ingredient list from the package lists both Sodium Bicarbonate and Ammonium Bicarbonate. It also uses Palm oil, while I just used butter. Would that change affect the crunchiness?