A helpful website about coating chocolate using chips.morsels + a question


Well-known member
I finally tried making the famous Oreo Truffles today with my DD and her friend, and used this website as a reference for making the chocolate for coating the truffles, since I am tempering and candy impaired in general:


I used the recommended ratio of 1 cup morsels + 1 tbs coconut oil, and it blended together nicely, and was super easy to work with (I let two third graders at it with very little "intervention" on my part necessary for the dipping./rolling).

We put the truffles in the fridge, but generally being creatures short on patience, ended up moving the tray to the freezer to speed up the hardening of the coating for quality control/taste testing.

It set up nicely with no bloom, but but it melts extremely quickly in hand. I am assuming this because of the added coconut oil?

