A new cooking station on tv. The Cooking Channel

I'm not thrilled they are airing some of the same shows as FN

Giada, again for example and omg they have Rachel Ray listed (can't someone put a stake through her and call it done?) I understand this network is owned by FN but why are you airing recycled FN stuff when you are trying to launch a new network? Right now Iron Chef is on.

And from the list looks like we will still be hearing "BAM!"


Looks like they will be airing the old Galloping Gourmet shows but not sure how they are planning on using Julia Child as a featured chef...no wait, I can see it now...Sylvia Brown will channel her right? Oh and Montel will be her sous chef using their infomercial blender....ah yes, they'll do the Bass-o-matic episode...


I can't even get this channel - Time Warner doesn't offer it on their basic package.

I've watched a couple things...

I don't watch much TV and I search for shows I want to watch and record them to watch during dinner. I am happy to see they have Julia and Two Fat Ladies reruns. I remember excitedly awaiting the debut of the second season of the two fat ladies and Food Network just kind of blasted through them non-stop and then it was over. Or at least I never saw them again. So consequently, I missed most of the second season. Hopefully I'll catch it here.

I just hope they don't use Food Network's model of mindless bling and bam and "stars" mugging for the camera instead of cooking (or knowing how to cook). I stopped watching their shows years ago.
