A new cut of meat for me. Pork shoulder steak. It's about 2" thick, the butt or shoulder. Any idea

Marg CDN

Well-known member
(ideas) on what to do with it? My butcher is trying something new.

I do lots of pork shoulder, and do love it, but have not done a 'steak' of it. I'm thinking of smoking it for a few hours in the BBQ but would appreciate any other suggestions.

When I look it up, all I get is the whole shoulder recipes.

I'd ignore the whole idea of "steak". Since well-done steak is an abomination, by definition pork..

cannot be made into a "steak". I'd make it into cutlets like chicken or veal. Also cut up into stew pieces as basis of tomato sauce. Right now I'm stewing up some cheap pork neckbones with dried mushrooms, rosemary and garlic. I'll remove meat from bones when well done and serve it over polenta or rice. You could also grind it up into sausage patties or boil it up with greens and a bit of bacon. Just ignore the "steak" part.

I marinate pork steaks in teriyaki sauce and then throw them on the grill---grill up like steaks.

doesn't take long and seems to work well for us. the pork steaks we get are quite well marbled so they stay moist. another good marinade or baste to go with these pork steaks is one with mustard.

I marinate pork in a wine, vinegar, dijon sauce then, like Ang, grill until pink .

1 pound pork (tenderloin, boneless chops, steak)
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
4 teaspoons white wine
2 teaspoons peppercorns, crushed
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon garlic, minced
1/4 cup Dijon-style mustard

Place pork on large piece of plastic wrap. Mix red wine vinegar (sherry vinegar is also very good), white wine, peppercorns, oil, and garlic. Sprinkle on pork. Wrap everything up tightly and refrigerate for about 4 hours. Brush liberally with Dijon mustard. Grill until pork is slightly pink in the middle about 10-12 minutes on each side.

I'm from St. Louis, home of the pork steak.

Usually our pork steaks are between 1/2 to 1" thick. They are cut from the shoulder(butt).
They are cooked outdoors in every back yard but very hard to find in a restaurant. There are many methods but most involve a long cooking period until tender and application of a sauce in the final stages so that it caramelizes and even burns a little. Steak is just a slice of meat,as in ham steak. We cook ours directly on a slow fire and baste at the end with a sweet sauce with beer added. I then keep it in the oven covered at 235 degrees for a few more hours until really tender. The time in the oven is determined by how much patience my husband has. If you are patient enough you can get them tender on the grill. The crispy steak with a sweet sauce is so good. Some smoke them. When picking out a pork steak the darker the pork the better. Here is a recent thread from the St Louis Post Dispatch discussing this very thing. This thread will drop off in about three months.


Thank you all. I have 3 left now and lots of choices. Without this help, I marinated it in lots of

garlic, Dijon, o oil and rosemary, my standard ointment for its larger cousin. I BBQd it slowly on the off-heat side of the grill with the apple smoke on the other side.

Although it was tasty (you can't go wrong with this standard concoction), I found it tough. H loved it. The toughness was surprising, since it really was well-marbled.

Some day, I'd like to get to the real BBQ region Wekick.

There are alot of people who

cook it as you describe or in a smoker and it is more toothsome but I have found extended cooking time in the beer sauce in the roaster 180-225 for at least 2 more hours will make it fall of the bone. I do think part of the cooking time in moist heat --low and slow --renders all the fat and melts the connective tissue. The heat in the oven never should be so hot as to make the sauce bubble or boil. The total cooking time would be 30-40 min on the fire and 2 hours or more on very slow heat. I do not sit mine in sauce but there is plenty cooked on with a little more on each layer. Not enough to pool on the bottom though. I like all the different ways but my family likes them falling off of the bone.
