A question about the new version of recipezaar...did they drop the numbers on recipes. I came across


Well-known member
a comment that gave the number of the recipe but not the name. I think I used to be able to search by number? The number is 413909. Is there a way to find it?

The new version is a mess. Recipes can't be filtered as before - several functions are missing. For

example, if I search under "New Reviews," and want to just see "Desserts," forget about it.

Meryl, thank you so much! I just knew if there was an answer, I could find it here. I have the

recipe for the dressing and tried several times this afternoon to find this. Thank you!

Wow, that's interesting. If you check out SarasotaCooks on zaar (Food.com) she has some interesting


It was the dressing recipe I found and saw the reference to the #413909 recipe. I was curious as to

what the salad was and couldn't find it until Meryl did. I probably won't make the salad, but I think this dressing recipe looks quite good.

Sarasota's Favorite Creamy Mustard Salad Dressing

3/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/8 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon sugar
1 pinch dill

Simply add the mustard, sour cream, vinegar, worcestershire, garlic, sugar into a blender or small food processor and blend until smooth and creamy, just a minute or so. Then slowly add in the oil with the blender on low. Last, add the dill in the last few seconds, pulse to combine and check for salt and pepper seasoning.

Refrigerate and serve over your favorite salad. I like to serve this over Recipe #413909.

