A question...How is your freezer organized?


Well-known member
Are you like me, and it's all just "in" there...or is there a method to your madness? I want to clean up my freezer-act! It would be great to know what's in there, and where I stashed it! LOL! I have a large, professional upright. It has great potential, if I just get it together right!

HA!!!! Gotta say I can empathize with you both smileys/smile.gif Pro'ly have a frozen dinosaur in there somewhere

Am I the only one with a method to the madness? I really do try to keep it straight and have a

computer print-out of the contents and try to keep it updated, crossing through what's removed and adding new items along with the date it is put in the freezer. DH keeps the list stored and updated with his computer and I keep it on my fridge, because the freezer's in the garage.

My freezer is only 15 cu. ft, with three shelves and a space below with a wire grid that holds them in. I keep plastic containers with broth, prepared items, sauces, bacon, seafood, and stuff that doesn't fall into the other categories on the top shelf.

The second shelf is Beef with some seafood because all the seafood doesn't fit on the other shelf. Bottom shelf is pork and chicken. Things like the Green chiles, dried red chiles, masa, extra herbs and spices and other items not needed as often are on the very bottom behind the wire grid. Nuts, various grains, butter, are in the door.

It helps so much to know that if I'm looking for beef for example, it's on that second shelf. I keep a plastic dish pan next to the freezer to dump stuff in when I have to search.

I've learned the hard way, don't search barefoot and be prepared to dodge the occasional falling package.

Because my freezer is in a hot, humid garage, and i don't care for self-defrosting models, I have to deal with it every 4 months or so. I have saved a lot of styrofoam containers and put everything in those while it defrosts. I check the contents against my freezer list and make corrections, noting what needs to be used or discarding anything that I know I'm not going to use.

A little O/C, I guess...okay, a LOT O/C, but it works for me.

Yes, Curious, you're the only one, LOL. I have a chest freezer that I fill up with breads,

stocks and soups (I have stackable containers). Everything else gets crammed into my kitchen freezer and it's anybody's guess what's in there. It konked out a few months back and I was forced to clear it out and throw away some packages that had more frost than food in them.

Honey, I think you just described a new "I can save you money" career.

You and the hub work as a team, go into a home and organize their freezer. Only problem is: you'll have to figure out what the heck it is that's buried under 2" of solid ice.

OMGosh! Gotta know the rest!!

Do you repackage foods so they fit together well? Use containers? LOL! I've got 3 wire shelves, plus two pull-outs at the bottom. There's got to be at least one package of fish, with some veggie-something beside a package of broth cubes (see? I do have some organization!) hiding beneath a meat tray of frozen snake food. Yes, they're wrapped, and double wrapped...but there's still only 1 big freezer, so the snake food stays. I never, ever go out barefoot, and I'm a great dodger. For the most part, I feel it's the odd sizes that create the biggest problem.
You know...you could sell your organization method!!

I have a large upright and keep a shelf for one particular thing...LOL!..then DH smooches....

over a bunch of stuff for his tuna/salmon etc ...or the sprogs (all are old enough to go into the deepfreeze to make me a surprise meal...what can I complain about??) also just "LOOK" for something and suddenly my knowledge of what's where is pushed back into dinosaur land (where I, unlike the proverbial elephant, always forget)...because....
a) I don't label as methodically as I should....
b) I don't keep a list anymore...
I have got to the point that I take out something in the early morning and then decide what to do with it when it has defrosted....
Had a few too many odd surprises of late...
****Note to self........
NOW is the time to start following Curious 1's lead....
***NOW is the time.
AND I should get DH his own freeze soon, it will relieve matrimonial tension, LOL, it may even relieve world tension the way he goes on about needing more space for his sushi stuff, ice and space to cool of his already cold beers.

I have an upright, frost free unit and here is how I have it organized

Top shelf - frozen containers of homemade applesauce, tomato sauce, jams, pesto, tomatillo sauce.

Second shelf - left side is a container of with packages of frozen summer berries. Strawberry, blueberries, raspberries.
Right side is packages of fish, shell fish

Third shelf - Package of skinless, boneless chicken breasts, lean ground turkey meat, whole chicken, whole, bone-in turkey breast

Forth shelf - this has all my beef

Top pull out drawer - Large ice pack for sore body parts, frozen home made dinners, some bread

Bottom pull out drawer - an over flow area

Note - I have everything frozen in vaccu seal bags. I love this method, no freezer burn.

Forgot to mention the door - it houses nuts of all types, cocoa, chocolate bars (baking type) baguettes,(I make bread salad with them) small, fozen packages of jalepeno peppers, anchovies, turkey pepperoni for pizza, and much more.

I started labeling everything that goes in there (i.e., Tupperware) with masking tape. smileys/smile.gif

I have three freezers. One for meats, one for fish and one for everything else.

My Better Half loves to fish and keeps us well stocked. Every fall I buy an organic lamb, and then I buy organic chicken at this place an hour from home so I stock up when I first go there.

I also pick berries and mushrooms and I bake bread that I keep in my third freezer.

I have 3 too and I am sorry to report that each one is as disorganized as the next:)

Eva...you are going to serve as insporation to me. Tomorrow (my day off) I will clean out ONE SHELF of one of my freezers (with the hope of repeating this for the other shelves in the near future)smileys/smile.gif

When I do that I get less space left on the shelf, even after turfing out....

things just dont fit back properly and I get annoyed...we dont have airco in this area and it is too darn hot to spend long fighting wiht things that wont fit on the shelves, I sometimes wish I could just climb in and shut the door for a few minutes.
