A salad question: Do you serve it before or after the main course?


Active member
Hi everyone - I'm not a prolific poster for sure, but I read here often and am always blown away by not only the great atmosphere, but the fantastic recipes and tips.

Anyway, I'm serving prime rib tonight (CathyZ's method) with roasted root veggies and mashed potatoes. I thought I'd also do Pat-NoCal's Cranberry Walnut Salad but I'm not sure whether to serve it pre-main course (appetizer) or post-main course (palate cleanser). What's everyone else's preference? We're not big salad eaters here, but I'd like to change that - new year and all!

Many Europeans tend to eat after. I love that salad with lots of blue cheese and would

prefer it before.

I think I always want to know that I have space left for dessert. With the cranberries in it, (I use fresh ones cut in half) this is almost like dessert but it's a great opener for the appetite.

A simple green salad is really refreshing after the main course. Some people are surprised by it,

but they usually enjoy it. If you're trying to work more salads into your life this is the way to go.

A salad with a lot of added elements such as cheese, nuts or seafood is better served as a first course. CathyZ's salad, with just a couple extra goodies, could go either way.

For dinner parties I like to serve salad and cheese after the main course. It's a nice interlude before dessert and a good excuse to enjoy another glass of wine, but eating more cheese and drinking more wine are probably not on your New Year's resolution list.

My mom always served salad after the meal, but lately we've been having it as an ...

appetizer. After the meal makes better sense when drinking really good wine--no vinegar on the palate.

i like my salad WITH my entree but no one ever serves it that way, especially....

in restaurants. they want to keep you busy while you wait. Even if i try to save it for my entree, they either take it away or wait until everyone finishes before they'll bring the entree. We always had it with our meal as a child and that's how I do it now at home.

Thanks everyone; I served it before the main course (busy salad)

and it worked well. I like the idea of "busy before, light later" - it makes sense.

LOL Joe, my resolution list mentions eating more salad, but curiously enough says nothing

about eating less cheese or drinking less wine!!
