A stock question- mix pork and lamb bones?


Well-known member
My older daughter asked me if she could mix lamb and pork bones in the same stock pot.

She gets her meat from local farmers, so there is probably more flavor in the bones than you would get from commercially raised animals.

My thought is that the lamb would overwhelm the pork, and add enough funk that might not work well with the pork.


I like lamb and I think it would make a rich broth. You might have to choose what

you make with it. But pork can pretty much stand up for itself too, methinks.

Judy, I make stock at least once a month. I mix beef, pork, lamb, chicken

whatever ends up in my "bone bag" in the freezer. As long as there is a ratio of 2 to 1 pork/beef/chicken/turkey to lamb you won't really notice it is there except it adds depth to the flavor. The stock will not smell like lamb.

Thank you Cathy! I passed the info along to Karen.

In years gone by, she would wander into the forum and before that, the Gail's Swap.

She and her SO are very adventurous cooks and it helps that they live where foraged bits are easy to come by and there are loads of local producers.
