AARGH - need to rant. Can I give up???


Well-known member
In April the head of the culinary department asked me to work with the other chef/teacher on this fundraiser for the local food bank and our program also gets part of the proceeds. This is the disaster that the pepto bismol pink soup was served at last year.

The whole thing has become a disaster, again! Lack of information from the chefs, lack of planning, lack of coordination and a constantly changing menu. It's tomorrow. I need to be putting my energy and efforts in packing for my trip to Portland as we leave first thing Friday morning and DH is out of town and we have to wash some of the clothes he has with him and pack his clothes when he gets in tomorrow night.

I'm ready to scream and contemplating telling them that due to circumstances I didn't know of at the time, I will not be able to help out. I hate to be a quitter but I was beseiged last night with calls, emails, IMs and I was up until 1:30 this morning worrying myself sick - literally!!!

Well keep this up, honey, and you will be sick. Literally. Then you'll miss both events.

If you have honestly tried to help out and the ball just isn't rolling, then I say you should put your family and this trip first. It isn't like this is the very first thing your school has asked of you. They just know you get things done.

You alone can't make an entire event happen. If there is this much flux this late in the game, how can it be resolved by tomorrow anyway?? Even with your help? There are other people at the school that are not going on vacation Friday. And it's not like you're blowing it off to sit home and shell peanuts for hours at a time. You have an expensive, non-refundable trip planned across the country.

Is there anything you can easily make right now to donate to the event...like a platter of "kpinky's feta" and crackers? That way you've contributed to the cause, yet can look forward to your vacation without feeling guilt-ridden.

Or...is there a concern about backlash from the powers-that-be at the school? In that case, you may want to gently remind them of all the other events you have already supported for the school.

you bet you can give up! you offered help and services and that's very generous but,

it shouldn't leave you breathing into a paper bag to calm down cause everyone else is dropping the ball. you have a life too and right now there are things that you have to deal with to take care of yourself and your family. you simply don't have time for this nonsense.

besides, you deserve to arrive here happy and relaxed not needing a few days of your vacation to de-compress. that simply isn't fair of them to put you in that position.

do you need me to write a note for you smileys/wink.gif)

I vote that you listen to your instincts and take a pass on this event.

Next year, if you are so inclined, you can offer to help but first start with a discussion of what works and what doesn't work when planning this event. If they can't be guided by looking at their past successes/challenges then it's not worth you turning yourself inside out in order to help. It's frustrating for well organized people to try to participate in something like this. It's not you, it's them!! Let go and get ready for your trip with serenity. I think you need some bacon right now...

Thanks eveyone - I just don't quit easily and feel guilty. I do need bacon!!!

I would try to contribute something but it's for 300-400 people - tastings.

I think I am backing out for once. And Heather you are correct, I NEED bacon. Hmmmm, bacon Rooster crackers - got to go back and look, didn't someone post something about wrapping salines in bacon?

how at I make you my pasta carbonara? glad you are taking care of you smileys/smile.gif.

You are allowed to say No and it will help them in the long run...

Something like: Unfortunately this has turned into a larger commitment than anticipated so will be unable to participate. Please feel free to contact/include me once you have more structure in place. Thank you for thinking of me and I wish you all the best in your coming event.

No isn't a 4-letter word and you need to put you/your health first. Think of it as not taking their learning experience away from them by rescuing them

I'm a big advocate of "Just say No" it can be very liberating! Plus, it gets easier to say

after the first time.

Maria, I like your note.

Wow, I see this differently. Had you told them two or three weeks

ago you couldn't help that would be one thing, but the day before? You're committed now, need to see it through. If they ask you next year, tell them no and tell them why. My two cents for what it is worth.

I agree with Miss Lola, if you back out now, your action will follow you

suck it up and follow through....do your best, with a smile and a thank you to all who helped.

JUST SAY NO! Your trip and your life are more important than this event. Who cares if you didn't

finish this one thing? There's lots more that you have accomplished, very much to your credit. Throw the guilt away. Put the guilt over this episode in a garbage can, put the lid on it, and leave it out for the trash. Much hugs.

Just caught up with this and think Marianne is spot on. I am watching the Geoge Strait "Artist of

the Decade" tribute.
Laughing and crying at the songs. What a history and were hoping you were seeing it also?

Gosh hope you are feeling some peace about this?

My evening is also glowing with thinking of the fun Randi and the boys are having and a pretty nice bottle of French white.

Big Hurkin' Hugs,
