About how long can you keep turkey broth in the refrigerator before


Well-known member
it isn't safe to eat? I mean, it was cooked to death 3-4 days after the turkey was roasted, so does that extend the 5-day limit at all?

I have about 8 cups of it, and really no room in the freezer for it. It smells fine.


Count 5-7 days from the time you made the stock. You could reheat it every few days

and keep it that way indefinitely. Just bring it to the simmer, then cool as quickly as possible.

Have you thought of freezing in in smaller containers that could be stashed in the corners of your freezer.

Another way to save space is to simmer it until it is reduced by one-half...

...(or more), then freeze. When you want to use it in a recipe, you can add water and boil to re-constitute to regular strength.

The concentrated flavor of demi glace is another option. Reduce by simmering until the stock is the consistency of syrup. This is not as easy as it sounds. It requires diligent heat control and a careful eye towards the end so the syrup doesn't scorch.


Thanks both Joe and Michael. I don't have room for an extra blueberry in there. Time to purge :eek:)
