ISO: Ack! DH threw my aluminium foil in the garbage because he thinks it's poisonus.

In Search Of:


Well-known member
And since he feel so strongly about it, I have decided to let him have his way (You know, I have my strong 'opinions' too that he has to live with, so I try to cooperate here. MarilynFL, you can read more about this in The Husband Handbook, under Chapter #5.....*LOL*)

So, long store short: I'm out of aluminium foil. How do I re-heat turkey meat now?

(PS: Is he right, tho? Can you get aluminium in the food from aluminium foil?)

Nope, don't think so... I just read the other day where

researchers have now decided that a build-up of elemental Al in the brain doesn't cause Altzheimer's like they once thought.

That's a whole different issue from whether or not it actually leaches into your food, but I think it only does that if it's in contact with acid (such as heat tomato sauce in an aluminum pot, storing lemons wrapped in aluminum foil, etc.).

I wouldn't do that, but not sure what effect it would have... I think it might take a build-up of it to do any harm.

charlie, my aluminium pots and pans went long time ago. I have

come to see it as an 'act of love' (I mean, my DH must love me when he throws out my pots and pans to save my health, right?) *LOL*
