Add yourself to Neener's Frappr map...

Good GRIEF!!! I should have checked it out, first!!! LOL

I, like an idiot, dug on my pc and found a picture of me taken in 2000 (the only one I have on my pc) and added it.

I'm the ONLY one who has done so! Come ON, guys......let's dig deep and add those pictures! Otherwise, I guess I'll have to go back and see if I can delete this picture of me with my (then) puppy! hahaha

Don't be embassed! I should be the one that is embarresed, because I still have no clue how (k)

I have know clue how to use digital cameras, let alone down load to a forum.

I have 6 rolls of film to get developed this week...(I am sure some of them go back to Easter!)


OK, I guess the Frapper map does not recognize that there is anything beyond Sacramento

because I tried it twice. Even uploaded a picture, any suggestions?

Click the "Add Yourself" button ....

...on the right side menu above the other names of the folks who've added themselves. It will give you a place to submit your zip code. I see you're added now but this is for the benefit of anyone else who may not know how to sign up. When I first signed up for this new map, I couldn't find the "add me button" either. It wasn't just you. ; )
