Admitting stupidity right up front: I can't figure out how to properly use these EKCO funnels


(see link for the product)

Found them in mom's esoteric collection of strange kitchen supplies. They don't come with a plug so I can't figure out how to use the measuring function of each funnel. My brother suggested putting your finger under the bottom hole to hole the ingredient, but what if you were processing HOT LIQUIDS? That idea doesn't seem right to me.

I'm going to pretend that donating platelets this morning has made my brain stupider than usual and am putting this out there for someone else to explain.

Is the hole in the bottom a sort of flange (looks like it) or is it wide open. If not a flange

then I have no idea how it could be used!!

It seems to me they are not intended to be used as a measuring tool, rather they

have the capacity on them to indicate when you might use them.

If you are like me and sometimes don't think things through before doing them, it could save some clean up time (and possibly injury).

For example, pouring a viscous hot liquid and not accounting for the time it will take to drain though the funnel into the container, and overflowing it out the top all over your hand and the countertop.

Not that anything like that ever actually happened to me.

Just basic funnel shape. This link agrees with Lisa's comment. The capacity is how much

the funnel would hold IF the output were blocked. Still unsure how THAT happens, but at least someone had a reason for this. Also, the measures are graphed out on the side of the funnel. For example, the 8 oz displays a line where 2, 4 and 6 oz are reached. So you're not specifically using the funnel as the measuring device.

They inverted the KISS Principle

Marilyn I am with your brother on this and that is the KISS Principle usefulness of this. If it is hot liquid I don't like to use plastic for hot liquid anyway. But bottom line is, is it worth your trouble?
I read the politically correct version of the KISS Principle is now "keep it simple silly" So let's jut call it silly...

One of those measuring cups with the extended funnel spouts would make more sense and you wouldn't have to think about it too much. But if I wanted to MacGuyver one of these or just invent one that made sense, I would put a closed valve at the bottom that would push open on the receiving end of whatever you were funneling into. Should we start a kickstarter campaign and get it going as the latest and greatest new kitchen gadget?
