AH - I have a theme for the 60th BD party - now I need recipes from each decade....


Well-known member
I am going to a party/finger/tailgating type food that would have been popular in each decade of his life. I have his spouse working on pix from each decade and I'll put each pix with some wording about the dish that was popular during that time, etc......

I talked with her and convinced her that since it's on a Sunday evening starting around 6:30 and the Titans game will be on and that is the pretense for us coming over that we need some heavier foods because people will be looking to make it a meal.

Now I need one or two foods from each period and or your advice as to what was popular during that time since this was a short notice request to pull this party together and I haven't had time to research it now that I finally hit on a theme.

- 1947 thru 1956

- 1957 thru 1966

- 1967 thru 1976

- 1977 thru 1986 - I am thinking fajitas here for a heavier dish

- 1987 thru 1996 - I'm thinking the Buffalo chicken dip here since that's when wings started getting popular

- 1997 thru 2007

Deep fried potato skins for the 70's. Cajun food for the 80's. Sushi for the 90's

for the 60's, piggies in a blanket. (Vienna sausages wrapped in storebought dough. Love 'em.)

What will they remember the 00's for?

That's what I have been wondering about too Joe - what about the new millenium?

Of course, around here sushi might be the '00s. We're a little slow to get the trends. I really think this is kind of fun though some make think it corny but it's nice to take a trip back and yes even to eat some of those cheesy old foods. I still love pigs in blankets and keep some of the frozen Hebrew National ones in the freezer and eat them for a quick supper sometimes.

50's - anything with deviled ham (canapes, dips); English muffin pizzas; pimento salad sandwich

Ritz crackers with cheeze whiz (a personal favorite of mine...heehee)

The "2007" thing to do - at least here in California - is cupcakes

Little bakeries that make nothing but cupcakes are springing up everywhere - at $3+ per cupcake!

Ritz with cheez whiz? Are you kidding??? (At least drizzle it with a little chocolate, so you

can redeem yourself).

Tapas/tapas style for the 00's? Whatever that means, I've seen

"American-style tapas" as a description recently.
