It's our last day and it'sa sea day. I was waving at Joe yesterday as we passed by LA(where did the warm weather go???) and Heather in SF as we left at 1pm yesterday. Sometime today we will be passing Pat in NCa and I wave again, and much much later to Randi in Or. We have a fun lecture at 10am today with the head chef, Msr. Rotti, and the head Maitre D, then a tour of the galley. You can be sure I will be in the front row and hopping up and down if they need volunteers! I knew that I was no longer in the US of A, when I stopped in at the Acapulco Walmart for some incidentals and not only did they sell liquor, but they were giving taste tests of 5 different tequilas---OLE'. Off to get a bit of breakfast and then the lecture. at .75/minute this is all the update I can afford! More when I return.