Aldi's is moving in to our area. What are they good/known for?

Aldi's is a store that usually locates near a large supermarket. They offer...

...bulk-packed (think Costco) foods (think staples like cheese) under their own label. Discount prices too.

They hope you will buy your staples at their store and then finish your shopping at the supermarket for the stuff they don't carry.


I shop at the Aldi's in our town and like them.

I especially like their produce and dairy products. Their prices are much less that the chain grocery store they are located near. I was a little put off at first by a couple things; you need to put a quarter in a locking device on the shopping cart in order to get one (you get it back when you return the shopping cart) and almost everything is generic. I have really liked the staples they offer. I haven't bought a lot of their meat because I have another store that I like that has actual butchers behind the meat counter. I haven't seen anything in bulk much though. Nothing like Costco-size packaging. They also have some imported items like chocolates and cookies. It's a strange store the first time you go in there, but after a couple times you get an idea of what they carry and what you want to buy.

Ah, they must have down-sized their bulk stuff. I have friends in KC and they love Aldi's.

They have kids and are on a budget. It works for them.


They have a few great things you can't get anywhere else. Their

Applewood ham is great - I think they may only sell it around Easter time though. Also their Lite and Fit (I think that's the name) food is very good and relatively inexpensive. Grandessa fudge (only available at Christmas time though) is sooo good too. Cheap produce, as Dawn said, too. And many times their discontinued items go on a clearance aisle and that's always fun.

Mostly generic foods - many dairy items very cheap. Milk was like 1.49 a gallon there the other week. I think it was originally a German company, not sure if it still is.

Watch out for the lines though - usually very long lines, and oh!! bring your own bags - they don't come with your purchase. You can usually find a box to put your stuff in (you have to pack it yourself) and they sell paper bags and plastic ones there too.
