Alert!! Cock Attack, Cock Attack........


Well-known member
really and truly, this was unbelievable.

I have folk coming this evening and so I went to collect eggs with making a creme brulee in mind only to find that I had actually forgotten to close the hens into their hock last night.

Now the story here is we are not supposed to keep hens but we are on the edge of the estate and so it is not a problem however we do not keep a rooster.

Then one day a rooster appeared from nowhere and has stayed around ever hopeful since then, it's about 2 years now. At first we let him into the hock but the hens attacked him so he is aways on the outside. (We love it, his crowing early in the morning reminds us of being home in Africa)

He has grown huge and lush.

Occasionally I let one hen out for a day and he is so on his toes primping and preening, silly bird.

Anyway early this morning I got most of the birds back into the hock but one was caught up in the stems of the potatoe creeper under the low hanging branches of a palm tree. So I crouched down (getting caught up in the spikes of the bouganvilla) to get her out when I got slammed sideways! My headfelt as if it was on fire. I looked up in total alarm (thinking the monkeys) only to see the blasted cock coming at my face feet/talons first. Fortunately he got caught in a palm branch.......

What a shock. Blood pouring and matting my hair and the ache!

Well, the cock now has two hens outside with him still. I'll deal with them later.

Had to wake up my DH who of course laughed and laughed and made rude jokes.

It is funny when one thinks about it and it is the sort of thing that happens to me.

I washed my hair and DH gentley searched through for all the holes and gouges and covered them in antiseptic.

My DD says we should get into cock fighting and make lots of money (we are all very opposed to this of course but it is done on this island.)

Too bad about the creme brulee....I just dont feel like going to that trouble now.

AND we can't revert to the paw-paws for dessert as the monkeys made off with the ready to eat ones.

Had a few glasses of champers and OJ and am now going to arrange flowers.

Sweet DH is still chuckling.

Oh Joanie, do you have a headache? That's one territorial rooster. How about

Coq au Vin for dinner?

Am amazed I don't have scars on the back of my legs from rooster attacks over 50 years ago. Ouch!

Oh Joanie...I'm so glad he hit your head and not your face! Leg scars here too...only a yr old tho!

Just catching up... Joanie, what a bad day you had! I remember growing

up in the "sticks" in southern New Jersey and our closest neighbor had a few chickens that ended up chasing after me and I was screaming like crazy - LOL!

Thank goodness you survived! What a price to pay for "sustainable" food!

Uh, just to "clarify" things, just what is that "dog sauce" down there...??? (your recipe for Joe).

my cock attack (more)

we had a bunch of "genetically enhanced" chickens. (a whole other story there)
The rooster was named Bigfoot, for the obvious reasons.
I carried a hook on a stick to control him as I collected eggs.
Well, I went into the chiken yard, Bigfoot advanced on me, I brandished the stick, he grabbed it with his BIG foot and pulled it out of my hand and tossed it aside.
He then ran at me and slammed into my leg. I thought I was safe. Rubber knee high boots were my protection.
Gathereed the eggs, took off the boots and found a puncture near my ankle. He had penetrated nearly 1/2 inch thick rubber.
Treated the puncture, BUT the next day noticed that the area was inflamed.
I went to the doctor, and was waiting in the room. I heard someone come up to the door, where my file was waiting, and then loud laughter.
The doctor, nurses etc were amused UNTIL they saw the extent of the infextion.
Antibiotics, then allergic response, a day off work.
A little while later, my husband walked in one morning with a strange look on his face, and asked if I had been outside yet.
It seems that Bigfoot had died during thenight and my husband who liked him thought I had executed him.
