I want to ensure that when I post a recipe on my blog that I came across through this forum that I am giving credit correctly. Take the scrumptious Asian broth that I posted this morning. Barbara in VA posted it on the swamp (Thank you, Barbara!) and the recipe came from Eating well. I gave Eating Well the credit as 'the source' and mentioned that I received it here but didn't call out the particular name (felt that it would be a breach but maybe I should have? I should have contacted Barbara... am doing so right now).
If it is a recipe that someone contributed that doesn't have a source is Eat.at the source or the person?
Any input? I will, from hereon in, contact the poster first to see if they would like me to name them.
Any insight going forward would be appreciated!
If it is a recipe that someone contributed that doesn't have a source is Eat.at the source or the person?
Any input? I will, from hereon in, contact the poster first to see if they would like me to name them.
Any insight going forward would be appreciated!