Am I just old and cranky when it comes to recipes that use a microwave, but DON'T specify


the power wattage they used?

See, for example, the attached recipe for "Microwave Lemon Curd" from King Arthur--a company THAT HAS A TEST KITCHEN. You'd think they'd know better.

After graduating from a 10-year old 600W microwave to an 1100W--not because I wanted more power, but simply to fit a bigger plate--I learned the hard way what 500 extra watts can do to, say, coating chocolate.

Without going into great detail with nasty adjectives, let's just cut to the chase: I BURNT IT. Not once...not twice...but THREE TIMES before I realized higher wattage was the problem.

Now I pay closer attention to that little number. Our 1100W died after 3 years and the new one is 1000W. I can recognize all the items that used to be done after so many seconds with the 1100W...and that's a mere difference of 100 watts.

All of that brings me to this recipe. I would like to send this recipe to my dear friend who LOVES curd, but doesn't so much "hate" cooking as feels it's a life choice that she has chosen not to choose. This is the perfect recipe for her. Well, I say perfect other than this statement from the linked recipe. To quote:

High power? Low? I don’t know, my microwave doesn’t have any power levels. The instructions in Modern Baking say 3 to 5 minutes at “full power,” but if your ‘wave doesn’t have power settings – just wing it.

WHAT! Wing it???

If you have a 600W microwave, full power is 600W. If you have a 1100 W microwave, full power is 1100W....which is nearly DOUBLE the power needed if the recipe was developed & tested on a 600W oven. We're talking fragile egg yolks here folks, which would be scrambled egg yolks very shortly at 1100W. Scrambled egg texture is as far as you can get from creamy, silky curd and still be in the same Poultry/Dairy Food Category on Jeopardy.

Why are they doing this to me!!! I've already paid my penance by burning Three. Different. Batches. Of. Chocolate. I've learned my lesson. I'm paying attention to wattage. GIVE ME THE DAMN WATTAGE!

Okay. I feel better now.

Ok simmer down, ha, get it? Simmer? No? Ok...


Yeah this is a pretty lousy recipe, more in the hey I have no idea what it means to coat the back of the spoon comment for me, because it does say to cook in 1-minute increments, stirring after each (and look it makes a hellva mess all over that plate too). I'm not really sure this person has any idea micros come in different wattages. I'm not even sure they know what wattage means. I just sorta picture them giggling wildly while winging their way to curd land.

I think once one does the cook in 1-minute increments, stirring after each, and testing, like jam for spoon coating they can make a note to cooking time in their micro going forward. Also, in the comments they posted their baking hotline, 802-649-3717 for questions.

I know you are up to the challenge! Or if she by chance has a VM, you can give her the recipe for doing a curd in that.

Now I want curd and I'm between harvests from my tree. Dang!
