am i raising food snobs?..


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love the kids, the 9 year old said, oh, the taco meat was weird...i was hoping for tamales, this was at summer school. little boy prefers feta and black grapes over mild cheddar and green. oldest tells me that the steak is just a tad overdone, and some of that blue cheese butter next time please. do any of you have more experiences with little ones other than kid's menus.... ? girls just laugh at them.

I have two grandchildren, boy 10, girl 8 who eat raw carrots, broccoli, asparagus

tomatoes, cukes, red and yellow bell peppers, etc. They love salads with home made dressing. Prefer iced tea and lemonade to sodas, dislike rice and potatoes, most sweets, and chips. The boy has trouble keeping weight on or gaining, because the the foods they eat. I introduce them to many things when they are at our house and load them up on ice cream cones which is their favorite sweet.
So who cares if you are raising food snobs, which by the way, is a term I hate. I tell people my grandchildren (these two anyway) eat smart and healthy! I love that they eat the way they do. Gradually they are getting into meat and fish.

My 18 year old DD loves to give me a hard time for making her a food snob

It's actually become quite funny to watch her when she critiques something at a restaurant when it's not right. On a college tour we dined at a local chain and the food was really pretty bad. DH & I just ate it. She proceeded to tell the waiter who got the manager - the lasagna was not good but worse than that, the alfredo was thickened with flour and did not have much cheese. They brought her a thing of grated 'parmesan' and she looked at it, tasted it and told them it was not real parmesan and even it did not make the sauce taste better. She went on to tell them that it was not okay to just call a sauce alfredo because it was white and had cheese and that a true alfredo sauce was pasta tossed with butter and parmesan and it was acceptable to use some cream but never flour.

I think that is why she already decided she didn't want to go to University of Tennessee even before we toured it - that and the orange clothes.

I think it's great that they appreciate good ingredients and flavors at a young age.

I'm currently working with teens who are doing a summer work stint in one of our community gardens. We picked some green beans. One of them asked if they were asparagus. Another had never eaten one and tried one raw--had to spit it out. She ate a raw zucchini though, which she had also never tried, raw or cooked.

These are "inner city" kids but still, we have a whole generation raised on chicken nuggets and pizza.

raised the girls and now the baby as vegetarians for the first year>>>

now they love all fruits and veggies and have great appreciation for good food. children's menus have never been used. they all love seaweed salad, and just about any seafood except uni, which means i get it all, cause dh won't eat it either. when i see all of these overweight kids, some, many not just chubby. i worry for them, video games have replaced exercise and fast food has taken over reasonable diets. i know the reasons given, time, money, and my kids will only eat happy meals. don't get me started. i am not always a great mom, and yes, i like some foods that are fried and served on a stick, but we love those kids and try not to let what is easiest for us, affect their wellbeing.
