Am I the only one that procrastinates doing work, and uses the excuse that I MUST look through

yes, ARE the ONLY one who procrastinates. I'm busy doing brain surgery at this very mom


(oh, I guess you can see me procrastinating, huh...)

it's 10 minutes to 3 pm and I'm not working very hard. I had a meltdown yesterday

due to crappy computer software issues with connecting to the east coast and pressure to get the month end reports when the system kept crashing. yeah, today is a real slacker day for me and much needed.

We were supposed to get a bunch of snow today so I stayed home, along with

all the schools, military and federal + local governments----the streets and sidewalks never got any accumulation. Guess I procrastinated away the whole day!

I had to cook with what was on hand so we had a new to me version of chili which was only okay. And, Ina Garten's Orange Cake with Chocolate Chunks. It had a chocolate suace drizzled over it so I used some of Marilyn's Dyslexic Sauce. Cake and sauce were much better than the chili!

I heard you did not get the "storm of the century" or whatever they were suggesting. dh even left

NYC early to make it home before the "storm" hit us last night. (never happened).
I have all the ingredients on hand to have a spontaneous chili get together w/ our tea group / neighbors.... BUT, no snow!

Your Orange cake w/ Mar's sauce sounds wonderful!!

You HAVE to watch this video! I rarely go to

youtube, but saw this and I had to post. Very appropriate! ;o)
