I was at the Farmer's Market (yay) and luckily a couple strolling through
warned us that a big storm was headed our way. We all broke down quickly around 11:30. The storm was a wicked one; high winds and torrential rain. The rain was coming down in sheets but blowing sideways because of the winds. I made it home and was so happy to get inside our garage. After the storm was over we walked outside to take a look at our tree-lined driveway and four of our trees were missing large inside limbs. Poor Bub was out there with the chain saw for hours trying to unblock our driveway. One tree broke the rear window on the Suburban, which after my son looked inside, slammed the door shut, then shattered. LOL. We lost half a peach tree too.
Our power went out around 2pm and came back on at 1:15am. Since our power lines are buried so we knew it was a substation that was shut down. I barbecued and we had burgers, broccoli salad and potato salad (leftovers from the market)for dinner. We had a nice evening in spite of no electricity. At least my vegetable garden made it unscathed.