I bought one a couple of weeks ago and have been making sorbets like crazy.
I love it, it is so easy to use and sorbet is done in 25 minutes. I make the "batter" the night before and but the bowl into the freezer. The next morning I mix the sorbet and put it into the freezer and it is ready for dessert that night. So far I have made:
2 different lemon verbena
Next will be a batch of mixed berry with the left over puree from jam making.
Haven't nailed yet the chocolate sorbet, which I really want to master, but my only attempt turned out grainy. It is not the CUisinart's fault, the recipe wasn't right, I don't think
Agreed. Another great book: Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams
Jeni's ice cream recipes are a little different (they include a small bit of cream cheese), but the results are fantastic! My one complaint with homemade ice creams is that they are typically best straight out of the machine. An overnight trip to the freezer and somehow the flavor and the consistency changes and they become less satisfying to me. Jeni's recipes, on the other hand, are pefect on day 2. Easily scoopable and full of flavor. Plus, there's a photo for every recipe in her book, which I love.