And on the same tea subject - my friend is hosting a Royal Wedding Brkfast & Lunch - what to make?


Well-known member
She's going to record the wedding - it's too early here in the eastern US....

But she wants to make a day of it -- Breakfast watching the recording...

And then perhaps do lunch also....

So - any ideas on what to make as a proper breakfast & lunch while watching the wedding events?



what fun! I wonder if there will be postings of food offerings at the different receptions on that


cucumber sandwiches without the crusts, salted and peppered

salmon puffs, chicken vol-au-vents, for lunch Coronation chicken salad (so good), cheese muffin puffs....I will bring this all LOL... Wouldnt it be nice to live on the mainland!!!!!
Where I live there are hardly any who care about anything English, just local and rap and heavy metal and reggae and did I say blinkered.
What a lovely idea. Enjoy!

I had an Australian roommate who enjoyed beans on toast for breakfast. I thought it was strange...

until I tasted it.

I've had them as a kid but I don't like them atop of Scottish meat pies - just plain. They're

to die for and I'm lucky to be able to get them not far from me (made in US but pricey). I made Granny Black's mutton pies a few years ago but couldn't get the pastry right.

You might say Scottish meat pies and fish 'n chips are the equivalent of what pizza is for we Yankees.

OMG. That just reminded me of something we used to eat a lot when we were kids....

Pork and beans sandwiches. Van Camps Pork and Beans, heated, then spooned onto a slice of squishy white bread. Fold the bread in half, and voila!

Butter the bread first, if we we feeling decadent! Slice up some Vienna sausages to put into the pork and beans, if we were feeling extravagant!
