counter. A few minutes later, I heard two fairly loud pops, kind of like home-canned goods make when the jar seals. When I got back to the water chestnuts, both cans had slightly bulging tops. I lightly pressed on one and it went back to the original shape, but I took both of them back.
If they had actually been bad, would the top have gone back to it's original shape? The only other explanation I can come up with is that they were in a sack that had gone into a cooler, so they were chilled when they came into the house. Could that have caused it? It seems odd they both bulged at the same time.
A few months ago, I picked up a can on the store shelf that was bulging. Has anyone else had a problem with water chestnuts?
If they had actually been bad, would the top have gone back to it's original shape? The only other explanation I can come up with is that they were in a sack that had gone into a cooler, so they were chilled when they came into the house. Could that have caused it? It seems odd they both bulged at the same time.
A few months ago, I picked up a can on the store shelf that was bulging. Has anyone else had a problem with water chestnuts?