AndreainDC, what happened with your brownie testing?

I know. I'm still standing here by the doorway waiting. If we had a red lightbulb

over the door, I'd probably be arrested for soliciting.

So now I'm going out for a walk. I'm going to get a picture in my head of you

standing in your kitchen doorway, with some suggestive memo on your chalkboard in the background and a red light dangling above.

When I start laughing, people are going to think that I, yes I, am the one who is crazy.

HAAAAAAAA! You girls are too funny. Fear not. It worked in reverse. Now I'm craving them smileys/smile.gif

You too? Mannn, it's all I can think about all morning. Just so wrong. May have to give in and make

some. So much for will power.

You make it, we'll come help you eat it smileys/smile.gif Just to save you all those calories, I mean...
