Ang/AK -- Thanks for the suggestion that I could disable the slicer on my apple peeler!


Well-known member
I had such FUN today peeling 15 lbs of apples for applesauce! I don't mind coring and quartering them. I put the peels in cheesecloth, added a cinnamon stick to 2 dutch ovens full of apples and canned a dozen beautiful pints of lovely pink sauce. Now I have to go back to Central Market for more apples. I was all ready to return that little sucker of a peeler/slicer.

By the way, I managed to get one of the cast iron dutch ovens from Costco for $49.99 and am so glad I did! They are sold out. What a buy!!!

Wow---what a great buy at costco, and what a fun day you've had. makes me smile!

I just wish I had a surface thin enough to clamp mine onto. My countertops and kitchen table are both too thick for that clamp. Sooooo, I have to clamp it to a cutting board and set that off the edge of the counter, but it makes it a bit wobbly, even if I try to anchor it with a wet towel underneath. It still moves around. I might try my dining room table---with some padding so it won't make a mark! Bring on the apples!

This one doesn't clamp -- it has a little suction pad and a lever. I was surprised that it works

on my kitchen counter, but it holds fast. Not bad for 17.99 at the WS/PB outlet.

hmmm, my moveable knife is the part that peels. I thought the part that

cut it into slices was the sharp ring that the core portion passes through?

This is the one I have....

Down below the circle thing that cores the apple is a horizontal blade (look at the right side of the photo in the link) There is a butterfly-whatzit (I am soooo articulate) at the bottom of this piece that can be disengaged. It will remove the round core knife as well. You will just stab the apple at the end of the shaft and it will peel (the peeling blade is a small u-shaped thingy).

Oh my goodness, I didn't realize I could remove that! I thought it had to hold the apple in

place as it was rotated and peeled. This is SO Thrilling!

Thanks Pat, Thanks Ang, Thanks Hollabaugh Brothers Apple Orchard in PA, Thanks Johnny Appleseed, Thanks God.
