Ang, made Mark Bittman's Eggplan Curry w/ Chickpeas. The sauce is to die for!


Well-known member
I'm picturing a bunch of different uses for that sauce. At the moment, I'd love to have a piece of firm white fish over cous cous and that sauce. And I'm thinking it's a great flavor base for a braise with lamb. MMmm...

Back to the original recipe...I'd love to double the sauce and I don't know about you, but I kept wishing the eggplant was cubed instead of sliced. For serving purposes that would have been a lot easier.

Thanks for the shout out on that recipe. Definitely looking forward to making it again, and all the incarnations. smileys/smile.gif

I didn't add onions, but thought about it...and garlic. Surprised how good it was without them.

I'm going to make more sauce, cube the leftovers & follow your lead...serve over pasta. Great idea!

I remember when, a few years back, I made my first curry recipe without a curry blend.

I didn't even know it was a curry recipe until I made it!

Ignorant me.

I thought the recipe sounded good and had a bunch of spices that I happened to have on hand. It wasn't called "curry" in the title.

After making it, I thought I smelled curry. Sure enough, it tasted like curry too. Well, well! What do you know? It IS a curry!

It was delicious. I still use commercial curry blends, but it is nice to know I can do it from scratch.

