Another Absolute Reason why I LOVE FK:


Well-known member
Back in September I posted an ear drop formula I got from an urgent care doctor, and it worked.

My ear infections (now on-going 11months~ just changed doctors 2 wks ago so I have hope) are still here and I needed that formula and misplaced it.

After going through everything (sort of spring cleaning) I remembered I posted it here on FK. I went to search, filtered by dianncy1964 and typed in NFR and there it was.

God Bless FK ~ It's more than a food forum, friendships, and a community~ now it's a diary and or a safe keeper of information.

Thank you Mimi for FK


for laugh and giggles here is the formula that I have just saved into my documents.

ALSO: Because it's organic, it does NOT pose a risk for itchy ears ~ it is an ear drop solution as well as a solution to apply to insect bites and infections ~ May sting at first for a second or two but the itch goes away and helps reduce the swelling.

1/3 white vinegar

2/3 rubbing alcohol

What i did was bought a small glass vial with a lid and bought an ear dropper ~ both at Walgreens under $5.00 for total of both.

I mixed: 2 1/2 ounces of white vinegar and 5 1/4 ounces of rubbing alcohol (DH is a chemist and broke down measurements for easy mixing)

It's still hot in AZ and bug bites are still happening and when DH had an insect bite, I used the dropper of "formula" and it worked. Took out the itch.

I use it in droppers for my itchy ears and it WORKS!!!!!!!!!

I am passing this on because to me its Miraculous.

I wonder if this would work on my hives - I love my cat and my friends dogs but after petting them I

Get hives - I've been using benadryl spray but it's expensive.

I've used salt for mosquito bites, and it works - mix with a little water then rub on skin.
