Another book sale find. Congressional Club Cookbook - this one


Well-known member
was a quarter!!

Lots of history, pictures, and tons of recipes. I'll post any that look good in the next couple of weeks. At this rate, I'm going to have to add on a room at my house!

I collect those cookbooks

I have 6 congressional club cookbooks..One signed by Lady Bird Johnson the year she became first lady

Used booksale at Oklahoma City this weekend

I am the coordinator for the big annual used booksale. This is one of the largest in the known world. In 3 days we will raise close to 250,000 dollars for our library system. I also help with the cookbook section. This year we have 12 tables full of cookbooks as well as under those tables. It will be hard not to find a cookbook you like

wishing you a very successful sale. I just love library book sales. do you get first pick?

How did the book sale go, Larry? Welcome to Finer Kitchens. Any good ones

that you'd like to share? (Good thing I don't like in OKC or my collection would be even bigger, I am afraid!).
