Another option if you want to try 16x24" parchment paper:


I asked at my local grocery store bakery (Publix) if I could buy some from them. They charged me 15 cents a sheet and I bought 10 of them.

I don't think it's a typical transaction because several people had to be asked to determine if they could do this.

But it's worth a try. From another bakery, I also manage to buy some Bakery Shortening, recommended in Whimsical Bakehouse. Haven't tried that yet.

Our supermarket here in Phx (Fry's ~ goofy name) is not as generous, I bought a roast and asked them

to slice it for french dip sandwiches and the guy behind the counter actually told me "We don't do that ~ but if you pay me $10. I'll make an exception" I wonder how much the parchment paper would cost me because I would love them pre-cut like you.

dianncy, this surprises me. I have purchased Eye of the Round for

pepper steaks and they always cut them for me. I wonder which Fry's you went to. Send me a PM and let me know. Did you report this to the store manager?

I agree with Misplaced, talk to the manager. if it actually is store policy he shouldn't be getting

paid under-the-table to slice the meat. if it's not store policy, then he is ripping off customers. either way, he had no business to ask you to pay for a service most meat sections gladly do for their customers.

maybe you and the store manager could set up a "sting" and you could wear a wire and catch this guy ripping off customers?

note to self: you are watching to many CSI shows. "-))

Does anyone know if Walmart will slice cuts of meat for customers?

I usually shop at Walmart, and they have a good selection of meats sliced for a variety of preparations. But if I am interested in having a piece of meat specially sliced, I usually can't find anyone to ask, but my vision and coordination are such that I am a danger to myself with a sharp knife. (If you only knew how embarrassed I am to admit this, but it is the honest truth. Anyway, there are other stores which will do it if it is against Walmart's policy.

But if I did ask, and the employee offered to do it for $10, I would take him up on it, write him a check, and then go to the manager. Forget the "he said/she said" trap... he would have my check.

At most Walmarts the meats are pre-cut and pre-packaged at a processing...

...plant and shipped to the stores by truck. It's my understanding that most of them, if not all, don't actually have "butchers" in house.

Let me know if you find out different. I'd be interested to know.


My Mom used to get roasts sliced occasionally, they used to give

her a hard time if the meat was on sale and really cheap. But she wore them down. smileys/smile.gif
