Any audio book lovers out there? On the hunt for a new one. Here's a few food-centric recs:


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I'm in love with audio books. During normal commuting, I find I average about 1 book a week.

Keeping this food-centric, a few I've listened to...and would recommend are:

* Knives at Dawn (non-fiction, based on an elite food competition in France and the US team's preparation for it. Fascinating. I especially liked learning about Thomas Keller and his involvement.)

* Farm City (non-fiction. I'm in love with this book. Novella Carpenter moves into a rough neighborhood in Oakland and ends up transforming an abandoned lot into a garden. Her description of the "local color" and her learning process is priceless.)

* The Secret Life of Bees (fiction. The narrator is awesome. I hear they're turning this into a film?)

* Traveling with Pomegrantes (non-fiction. Same author of Secret Life of Bees, teamed up with her daughter as they take introspective twists and turns. The author fleshes out her first novel and I found the bits of insight and inspiration that ends of in her book enlightening.)

* Heat (non-fiction. Bill Buford stages at Mario Batalli's restaurants and then treks off to Italy to gain deeper insight into Italian cooking.)

The Help is awesome in audio. Also Kitchen Confidential was a hoot.

The Secret Life of Bees was already turned into a movie. Queen Latifah, Dakota Fanning were in it. well done. I've been downloading the Blossom Street series books, about a knitting shop in a Seattle neighborhood. very light "reading" but makes my 3 hour trek to the cabin not so long. I download for free from our library. Most libraries offer this now. Ours is called ListenAlaska and it downloads to my ipod, via itunes, for free. just need a library card. Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Vegetable Miracle was a good listen; however, I got a bit tired of her voice.

Listening to Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is awesome...

all of the songs of elves, hobbits, dwarfs, Bombadils, Ents, etc. that are so tedious to read come magically alive on the audio book read by Rob Inglis. He has a distintive voice for every character and it is just amazing.

Also, The Sun King, Louis XIV at Versailles by Nancy Mitford, read by Charlton Griffin is a fascinating listen if you're into learning all the details (and inside dirt) of life at Versailles during the reign of L-XIV.

Ang, I agree. I've started Animal Vegetable Miracle several times now. Can't get through it.

Tender at the Bone, Chef's Tale, Man who Ate Everything, all

the Julia Child bios; and there are some very cute mysteries involving a caterer that are fun by Diane Mott Davidson

I love audio books but just grab from the library

The Secret Life of Bees is already a movie and on dvd -- currently I can get it free on my Comcast OnDemand in case you have that.

Don't really have any food ones to share.

I loved The Good Earth on audio plus many others and getting ready to listen to World War Z as it has a full all-star cast including Alan Alda, Mark Hamill, Jürgen Prochnow, Henry Rollins, John Turturro, Rob and Carl Reiner, and many others. They've also signed Brad Pitt to star in the upcoming film. Plus, what can I's got zombies!

I'm reading it now and enjoying it. I'll let you know if I make it to the end. All the factoids

about sustainability are right up my alley.
