Any reason I shouldn't freeze carrot juice?



I recently found a big bottle of organic carrot juice for a reasonable price at Sam's. I bought it to make carmelized carrot soup. It is enough to make 3 batches. The soup also uses a pound of carrots and makes 4 servings so I am a little reluctant to triple the recipe and freeze the soup. I am planning on freezing the juice unless someone can think of a reason that won't work.

I believe that carrots need to be blanched before freezing to keep quality. . .

and to avoid off-flavors and certain enzymatic action. I would recommend bringing your carrot juice quickly to a brief boil, stirring constantly and then holding it at a simmer for a few minutes. Cool, portion and freeze.

But, you could always try freezing a cup or two without heating for a couple of weeks, then defrost it and see how you like it. . .
