Any recommendations for a pressure canner? I'm thinking of asking Santa for one.

I have an All American Pressure Canner and they are really. . .

The "Cadillac" of canners: metal-to-metal sealing (no rubber seals to wear out), heavy duty, substantial, thick, really nice. The other aluminum canners are out there, and will work fine, but if you find a used All American out there, I can recommend it. Mine is an older version, and only has the geared-gauge, dial thermometer, but I believe the newer ones will have the weight system as well, but you can check on that on-line.

Whatever pressure canner you decide upon, make sure it has either a pressure gauge that is replaceable and/or fixable or a weight system (usually one weight built with three settings, 5#, 10#, 15#) or both.

You might also want to check into whether or not you have a local County Extension office or Master Food Preserver group in your area that can check your pressure gauge's accurace, as this is recommended to do so yearly, especially with regular use. Or perhaps the manufacturer will do gauge checks?

Have fun--once I got over my pressure canning fear started pressure canning, well, I wonder what took me so long to get into it! I can pressure can chicken which makes the BEST chicken and dumplings I have ever had--the broth and meat are just wonderful. And as for canning pork, YOWZA, instant Carnitas, and stew, and curry and. . . !

Convenience food of the highest caliber, made the way I like it and I know EXACTLY what is in it!
