Any Smitten Kitchen fans? NYTs piece on her new book. $400,000 advance? Yowza!

I enjoy reading her blog. I would say I've been pleased with

most of what I've made from her site. I find her quite funny. Thanks for the link Traca.

Good for her! I like her recipes & pics

although I often scroll through her 'conversation' (long paragraghs) to get right to the recipe. Personally - on a recipe blog I mainly want to learn about the recipe - how to make it, tips, etc. But I must not be the norm because her following her HUGE!

It's going live on my blog on Monday - I'll post then

Because when I tried to post with a pic (via code - not photobucket) the picture was HUGE. too huge for a post. Can you wait til then? Otherwise I can post just the recipe now:)
